Parking Information

AU Parking Garage


We encourage all students to use the free parking lots and garage located on campus. Parking your vehicle on campus means it will be in a location that is monitored by CPS staff. By parking your vehicle in the garage, it will also be protected from inclement weather conditions such as hail, rain, and snow.

All vehicles that utilize parking areas on campus must be registered with Campus Public Safety (CPS) and display an Aurora University parking permit, which remains valid throughout your time of attendance at AU. The permit should remain affixed to your vehicle’s windshield.

However, if your vehicle does not currently display a valid parking permit, you must register your car with CPS to be issued a valid parking permit. All Aurora University parking lots are restricted to “permit only” vehicles. New or replacement permits are available all day, 7 days a week, in our office located at 1405 Prairie Street.


Visitors and guests need to obtain a free temporary parking permit at the Campus Public Safety office if they plan to park on campus. The office is located at 1405 Prairie Street. Upon receipt, place the placard prominently on the dashboard so it is visible.

Visitors to Aurora University are welcome to park in any of the lots on campus or the parking garage. Use of visitor permits is prohibited by faculty, staff, and students.

Non-affiliated visitors with handicapped license plates or placards from a government agency may park in designated handicapped spaces at no charge. University parking permits are required in non-handicapped spaces.

Parking Lots and Restrictions

Day and Evening Parking

  • All commuter students, faculty, and staff are permitted to park in any parking lot, from 6 a.m.–11 p.m. All residential students must park in the parking garage.

Overnight Parking

  • All overnight parking is restricted to the parking garage. Vehicles must be removed from all other lots by 11 p.m.
  • For vehicles parking overnight, 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., the designated parking lot is the parking garage. Vehicles parked in any other lot during these hours will be ticketed. Please notify CPS if you cannot move your vehicle during these hours.

In the event that you will be driving a non-registered vehicle temporarily, free temporary parking permits are available at CPS to avoid citations.

If you receive a citation, payment can be made at the Office of Student Accounts. In the event that any of your information or registered vehicle license plates change, please notify CPS immediately.

Aurora University is NOT responsible for any damages that occur to your vehicle while parked on Aurora University property. You are encouraged to check this on a regular basis to view any changes or announcements from our office. We can also be contacted by email at or telephone at 630-844-6140 or ext. 6140 from a campus phone.

Campus Public Safety has the right to reserve parking for any upcoming events. Please observe and obey all cones or signs that are posted. Reserved parking for special events must be sent to the Director of Campus Public Safety for approval.