Practice Your Interview Skills with VirtualSpeech and VR Headsets

Virtual Speech and VR Headsets

Are you ready to ace your next interview? Aurora University Career Services offers an innovative way to practice and perfect your interviewing skills using VirtualSpeech, VR headsets, and AI technology.

What is VirtualSpeech?

VirtualSpeech is a cutting-edge tool that uses virtual reality to simulate real-life interview scenarios. By immersing yourself in these realistic environments, you can practice your responses, improve your body language, and build confidence in a stress-free setting.

Benefits of using VirtualSpeech include:

  • Realistic Practice: Experience lifelike interview scenarios without pressure.
  • Immediate Feedback: Get instant feedback on your performance to help you improve.
  • Flexible and Convenient: Schedule your session at a time that works best for you.
  • Boost Confidence: Build the confidence you need to succeed in actual interviews.

How does VirtualSpeech work?

To use VirtualSpeech, you will schedule an appointment with Career Services. During your appointment, you will put on the VR headset and enter a virtual interview room, where you can choose from various interview scenarios and questions tailored to your field of interest, enhanced by AI-driven feedback. After your virtual interview session, you will receive constructive feedback powered by AI to help you improve and prepare for your real interviews.

Ready to step into your virtual interview?

Visit Handshake or email to schedule your VR interview practice session at your preferred date and time.