Vocational Exploration

Aurora University is devoted to helping students discover what matters and build their lives around it. Vocational exploration is an important step in this process.

Vocation is one’s sense of purpose in life. You can live out your vocation by utilizing your strengths, interests, and values throughout multiple facets of your life including your career, family relationships, faith, service to the community, and hobbies.

Start Your Vocational Exploration

  • Focus2 A career and education planning system for college students. Access Code: Spartan
  • What can I do with this major? Learn typical career areas and related job duties to determine whether the career is a vocational fit.
  • The Occupational Outlook Handbook is published annually by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is a great resource for job information including descriptions of tasks and responsibilities, education and training required, job forecasts, salary ranges, and additional resources.
  • O*Net Find, search, or browse across 900+ occupations based on goals and needs. Comprehensive reports include occupation requirements, worker characteristics, and available training, education, and job opportunities. 

Not sure where to start? Watch our following workshops:

Living your Values, Interests, and Passions 

Designing Your Career Path