Emergency Procedures

Emergency Situations | Emergency Closing Information | Fire | Medical Emergencies | Active Shooter/Hostile Intruder

Police Emergency | Campus Evacuation Areas | Tornados/Severe Weather | Earthquakes

Hazardous Materials Incidents | News Releases, Interviews, Etc. | Aurora University Department of Campus Safety

Emergency Situations

In an emergency situation anyone may call 911 using any telephone on campus. After speaking with the 911 dispatcher call Campus Public Safety at x555, if possible, to assist.

Emergency Number For Aurora Police, Fire, or Ambulance: 9-1-1

Pertinent Non-Emergency Numbers:

  • Aurora Police Department: 1-630-256-5900
  • Aurora Fire Department Station 7: 1-630-256-4070
  • Illinois Poison Center: 1-800-222-1222

The Aurora Police Department will respond to all calls made from any member of the University community. Response time will be determined by situational priority.

The Aurora Fire Department will automatically respond to a pulled fire alarm or to an activated hallway or stairwell smoke or fire alarm in the residence halls and Winteringham Hall. For all other buildings, the fire department will need to be contacted by University personnel via 911.

For any emergency situation that requires 911 assistance please be prepared to tell the dispatcher your name, location, telephone number and the nature of the emergency.

Please be prepared to tell the dispatcher your name, location, telephone number, and the nature of the emergency for the situation that requires the 911 assistance.

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Emergency Closing Information

Click here to read more on emergency closings.

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If you detect a small fire (i.e. trash can fire) prior to an alarm sounding, it may be extinguished with one of the many wall mounted fire extinguishers located in every building. The fire extinguishers may be used by pulling out the pin and squeezing the handle at the top of the extinguisher. Point the stream at the base of the flame source until it is completely extinguished.

If you discover a large fire, immediately pull the building fire alarm to notify the occupants and call the fire department! Place a second call to the Campus Public Safety at x555 to ensure that there will be staff available to assist in clearing the building.

If your first indication of a fire is from the alarm, quickly leave the building using the nearest exit. Keep calm and assist any handicapped individuals. Stay clear of any elevators. Use the stairwells! After exiting the building, remain clear of the building until receiving an "all clear" from Campus Public Safety and/or the Aurora Fire Department.

If you are in a residence hall, lock your door on the way out. Fire drills for the Residence Halls are conducted by Campus Public Safety in conjunction with the Residence Life Staff at least once a semester.

Fire drills for faculty and staff, will be conducted by Campus Public Safety once a semester.

It is a violation of the law not to evacuate the building during a fire drill.

*There is a $100 minimum fine for tampering with any fire alarm system or fire extinguishers.

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Medical Emergencies

For any medical emergency, dial 911 from any campus location for assistance. Inform the dispatcher of the situation. If possible, inform Campus Public Safety so that personnel can assist.

If the person is conscious and able to talk, find out who they are and what happened. Try to make them comfortable until the paramedics arrive.

Note: If the person has a preference for a particular ambulance service or hospital inform the dispatcher.

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Active Shooter/Hostile Intruder

Watch the Run, Hide, Fight video.

Run: If you can do so safely, run.

  • Evacuate away from the location of the intruder.
  • Stay close to walls and avoid open-wide spaces.
  • Seek safety shelter and make proper notification (call 911).

Hide: Shelter in place and secure your immediate area.

  • Lock and/or block the door.
  • Turn off the lights and close the blinds.
  • Silence your cell phone if you are not in communication with authorities.
  • Turn off any source of noise (e.g., radios, TVs).
  • Keep yourself calm, quiet, and out of sight.
  • Hide behind large objects (e.g., concrete walls, desks, filing cabinets).

Fight: Your life depends on it. Commit to your actions.

Report Necessary Information

  • Location of the shooter.
  • Number of shooters.
  • Description of shooters.
  • Weapons used by shooters.
  • Victim information (number, types of injuries, location, etc.)
  • When able, call Campus Public Safety at 5-5-5 from a university phone or 9-1-1.

Response to Law Enforcement

  • Be calm and follow instructions.
  • Display your hands at all times, carry nothing!
  • Avoid quick movements.
  • Law enforcements first priority is to address the threat!

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Police Emergency

If a situation develops where police assistance is needed, call the Aurora Police Department either via 911 (emergency) or 1-630-256-5900 (non-emergency). Call the Campus Public Safety Department, if possible, to assist. Response time to your call will be dependent upon the specific need and call volume at that time (i.e. a stolen bicycle complaint will be prioritized lower for immediate police response than a fight in progress call). Please be patient and wait at the location that you informed the dispatcher of if it is safe for you to do so.

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Campus Evacuation Areas

In the event of a fire alarm or any other incident which requires the evacuation of a building, all personnel must evacuate immediately to the designated exterior evacuation locations.

The process of emergency evacuations (other than fire alarms) shall be initiated by the Department of Campus Public Safety, President of the University, or a designated representative.

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Evacuation locations from individual buildings
Building Evacuation Location
Stephens Hall Parking Lot south of the building (across Kenilworth Place)
Dunham Hall West to Dunham Parking Lot
STEM School Parking Lot South of the Building
Wilkinson Hall East to Library Parking Lot
Eckhart Hall East and West of the Building (front of hall and Quad)
Library South to the front of Eckhart Hall
All Marseillaise Houses Across the Street
Memorial Hall To Quad
Davis Hall
Jenks Hall
Watkins Hall
Alumni Hall (and dinning)


Watch the tornado safety video.

Procedures effective Fall 2007

Severe Weather/Tornado Notification Procedure

We cannot always rely on the campus utilities, phone, and electricity to continue to function. Therefore, it is imperative for the safety of yourself and others, that attempts are made to keep you aware and updated of changing weather conditions. When conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop, a severe thunderstorm or tornado watch is issued by the National Weather Service.

Each year, many people are killed or seriously injured by tornadoes despite advance warning. Some did not hear the warning, while others received the warning but did not believe a tornado would actually affect them. The City of Aurora tornado sirens are designed to alert persons who are outdoors; they are not intended for indoor notification.

The prepared information for this procedure, combined with timely severe weather watches and warnings, could save a life in the event a tornado threatens our area. After you have received the warning or observed threatening skies, YOU must make the decision to seek shelter before the storm arrives. It could be the most important decision you will ever make.

Know the terms used to describe severe weather or tornado threats:

SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH: Severe thunderstorms are possible in our area. Watch the sky and listen to the radio or television for more information.

SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING: Severe thunderstorms are occurring.

TORNADO WATCH: Tornadoes are possible in our area. Remain alert for approaching storms. If you see any rotating funnel-shaped clouds, report them immediately by telephone to Campus Safety at X: 5450 or 911. Be prepared to take shelter.

TORNADO WARNING: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. If a tornado warning is issued for our area, the sky becomes threatening, and sirens are sounded, move to your pre-designated place of safety.

Remember, tornadoes occasionally develop in areas in which a severe thunderstorm watch or warning is in effect. Remain alert to signs of an approaching tornado and seek shelter if threatening conditions exist.

In the event that a severe weather watch/warning or tornado watch/warning has been issued, the following procedures will be used by Campus Public Safety:

Notification during business hours:

Upon notification of a severe thunderstorm watch, Campus Public Safety will immediately attempt to notify one or more of the buildings and advise them that a severe weather or tornado watch has been issued. If possible, an e-mail announcement will be dispatched with details as they are received. Campus Public Safety is registered with www.emergencyemail.org, and www.weatherunderground.com, which are web sites, that provides direct information from the national weather service.

Because of the number of calls that have to be placed, the caller will limit the call to the following: “This is Campus Public Safety. A severe weather watch has been issued as of (time watch was issued)”. If possible, updates will later be issued.

Campus Public Safety will make every attempt to keep the campus updated. Please also stay informed about the storm by listening to commercial radio and television for the latest severe weather or tornado WATCHES and WARNINGS.

All Clear Notification:

Campus Public Safety will not issue an all clear notification, until verification from the Aurora Police Department has been given. When possible, runners for Campus Public Safety will provide all clear notification. If some period of time has elapsed without notice, please contact Campus Public Safety at 6140 to verify the all clear to the occupants of their building.

Notification after business hours and during evening classes:

Campus Safety will notify the Residence Hall Director on duty. Resident life protocol will then be followed, which includes the issuing of emergency lighting equipment, which is stored in Campus Public Safety.

Campus Public Safety will notify those departments that remain open after business hours. Phone calls or Campus Public Safety runners will be sent to classrooms, offices, and departments to notify faculty and students of severe weather warnings or watches.

All Clear Notification:

Campus Public Safety will not issue an all clear notification, until verification from the Aurora Police Department has been given. When possible, runners for Campus Public Safety will provide all clear notification. If some period of time has elapsed without contact, please contact Campus Public Safety at 6140 to verify the all clear to the occupants of their building.

Aurora University Campus Public Safety Severe Weather Procedure

Fall 2007


In an office and classroom building: Go directly to an enclosed, windowless area in the center of the building -- away from glass. One should then crouch down and cover your head. Interior stairwells are usually good places to take shelter, and if not crowded, allow you to get to a lower level quickly. Stay off the elevators; you could be trapped in them if the power is lost.

Building Designated Safe Area
Alumni Hall
Lower level hallways
Davis Hall
Lower level hallways
Dining Hall
Lower level Alumni or UBH
Dunham Hall
Lower level hallway and classrooms
Institute Building
Lower level hallway
Eckhart Hall
Lower level hallway
Jenks Hall
Lower level hallway
Memorial Hall
Lower level hallway
Parolini Music Center
Mens and Womens Restrooms
Perry Theater
Lower level Stephens hallway or Spot
Phillips Library
Lower level basement
Stephens Hall
Lower level hallway or Spot
Watkins Hall
Lower level hallway
Wilkinson Hall
Lower level hallway

In a house with a basement: Avoid windows. Get in the basement and under some kind of sturdy protection, such as a heavy table or workbench, or cover yourself with a mattress or sleeping bag. Know where very heavy objects rest on the floor above, such as pianos, refrigerators, waterbeds, etc., and do not go directly under them. They may fall down through a weakened floor and crush you.

In a house with no basement: Avoid windows. Go to the lowest floor, a small center room (like a bathroom or closet), under a stairwell, or in an interior hallway with no windows. Crouch as low as possible to the floor, facing down; and cover your head with your hands. A bathtub may offer a shell of partial protection. Even in an interior room, you should cover yourself with some sort of thick padding, such as a mattress, blankets, etc., to protect against falling debris in case the roof and ceiling fail.


Keep everyone together and wait for emergency personnel to arrive. Carefully render aid to those who are injured. Stay away from power lines and puddles with wires in them; they may still be carrying electricity! Watch your step to avoid broken glass, nails, and other sharp objects. Stay out of any heavily damaged houses or buildings; they could collapse at any time. Do not use matches or lighters, in case of leaking natural gas pipes or fuel tanks nearby. Remain calm and alert and listen for information and instructions from emergency crews or local officials.

Notification during business hours:

Upon notification of a severe thunderstorm watch, Campus Public Safety will immediately attempt to notify one or more of the building Evacuation/Safety Captains and advise them that a severe weather or tornado watch has been issued. If possible, an e-mail announcement will be dispatched with details as they are received. Campus Public Safety is registered with www.emergencyemail.org which is a web site that provides direct information from the national weather service.

Because of the number of calls that have to be placed, the caller will limit the call to the following: “This is Campus Public Safety. A severe weather watch has been issued as of (time watch was issued)”. If possible, updates will later be issued.

Campus Public Safety will make every attempt to keep the campus updated. Please stay informed about the storm by listening to commercial radio and television for the latest severe weather or tornado WATCHES and WARNINGS.

All Clear Notification:

Campus Public Safety will not issue an all clear notification, until verification from the Aurora Police Department has been given. When possible, runners for Campus Public Safety will provide all clear notification. If some period of time has elapsed without contact, contact Campus Safety at 6140 to verify the all clear to the building.

Notification after business hours and during evening classes:

Campus Public Safety will notify the Residence Hall Director on duty. Resident life protocol will then be followed, which includes the issuing of emergency lighting equipment which is stored in Campus Public Safety.

Campus Public Safety will notify those departments that remain open after business hours. Phone calls or Campus Public Safety runners will be sent to classrooms, offices, and departments to notify faculty and students of severe weather warnings or watches.

All Clear Notification:

Campus Public Safety will not issue an all clear notification, until verification from the Aurora Police Department has been given. When possible, runners for Campus Public Safety will provide all clear notification. If some period of time has elapsed without contact, contact Campus Public Safety at 6140 to verify the all clear to the building.

When a tornado warning occurs, proceed to the shelter area, if time permits. The better your shelter, the better your ability to avoid injury.

  • Persons in each building should go to the lowest floor. (If time permits, go to a building with a basement) in hallways and out of the line of flying glass.
  • If there is not time to go to a lower floor, lie on the floor or under a desk with your head pointed away from windows and outside wall openings.
  • Avoid the gymnasium or any area with long spans of roof between supports.
  • Heavy furniture or desks provide protection.
  • Remain stationary for at least 15 minutes in case the tornado doubles back.
  • If you suspect the building you are in has structural damage, evacuate as soon as the all-clear has been sounded.
  • The area tornado warning siren is tested the first Tuesday of each month. A tornado warning is a continuous and steady tone on the siren.

Buildings with basements:

  • Watkins Hall
  • Dunham Hall
  • Stephens Hall
  • Alumni Hall
  • Phillips Library
  • all University-owned houses on South Calumet Ave and Gladstone Ave.

Some information about tornados:

  • Tornados may travel at speeds of 40 to 60 MPH.
  • Wind speeds can be as high as 250 MPH on the outside of the funnel.
  • Some tornados have been known to slash a path more than 100 miles long.
  • Most tornados come from the southwest and travel to the northeast.

"...the safer places in a school with no basement usually will be on the lowest floor in interior corridors that run only to the east and north, where wind forces usually will be less destructive." ("In a Life and Death Arena, Some New Ideas About Tornados," by Ed Weigel)

Researchers say that in their opinion, the principle effects of a large tornado are, in order of importance, "First, the disintegrating pressure of wind against windows, doors, and walls; Second, the devastating effect of missile type objects propelled by these winds; Third, the collapse of high portions of buildings such as chimneys into lower parts which otherwise would suffer little damage; And fourth, the explosive pressure differential when air pressure inside a building is momentarily greater than outside."

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You will have little to no notice of an earthquake. In the event of an earthquake:

  • If outdoors, move away from any building, avoiding utility poles and overhead wires.
  • If indoors, try to stay clear of windows, light fixtures, & suspended objects. Also, stay clear of rooms where there are long spans between ceiling supports (i.e. Gym).

After the quake has stopped, quickly evacuate the building and move personnel outside of all buildings and to an open area outside. Remember, there may be aftershocks that follow, so move quickly when the quake stops! Do not re-enter any building until it has been inspected and declared safe by competent personnel.

A damaged structure can be re-occupied only after authorization by the city and/or state building division. University officials will be notified of the corrective actions to be taken to return a building to use.

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Hazardous Materials Incidents (HAZMAT Incidents)

For any suspected HAZMAT incidents the Aurora Police Department should be called immediately for assessment of the incident. Stay clear of the area! Officials who respond to damage-structure reports assume there are hazardous materials in all laboratories. If the structure is damaged, the laboratories must be checked by qualified persons before entry by any other person.


The accidental spill of material considered hazardous must be handled by qualified personnel. First, the qualified personnel will seal off the area to prevent entry. If possible, they will shut off any sources of ignition at the source of the spill.

The spill must be contained to prevent the chemical from entering the drains or other uncontrolled areas.

Clean-up should be completed with proper equipment and materials for the particular substance. Once the clean-up is completed, the substance and other materials must be disposed of according to EPA standards.

Transportation of hazardous material that is either highly flammable or suspected to be explosive shall be directed by the Aurora Police and/or Fire Department. Such transfer and/or transportation must be executed with life safety as the number one priority at all times.

Handling of Body Fluids /Waste:

Do not handle body fluids with ungloved hands. Body fluids consist of blood, urine, feces, vomit, saliva, etc. If you need to clean up soiled items, surfaces, materials and objects contaminated by body fluids, you must wear disposable protection (gloves, masks, etc.) Wherever possible, call the custodians at x5534 and advise them of the situation - they are trained and equipped to handle these items.

If you find body fluids, after notifying the custodians, use the following procedures to minimize possible contact:

  1. Cover the area with paper towels, newspapers, etc.
  2. Keep the area clear of other people until it has been properly cleaned.
  3. Wash any exposed skin that may have come into contact with the fluid thoroughly using soap and water.

Further questions should be directed to the Wellness Center at ext. 5434.

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News Releases, Interviews, etc.

In order to coordinate communications with the news media, all news releases and media requests will be coordinated through the Vice President of University Communications or an appointed representative.

This includes any written communication, oral statement, interview, or pictorial material that would have any information about an occurrence, individual, or situation of any sort relating to Aurora University.

The Vice President of University Communications or their appointed representative shall be responsible for designating an area, away from the incident, as a press information/conference area (bearing in mind that a disaster or crime scene are the responsibility of fire and police personnel and premature intrusion is a violation of Illinois Revised Statutes). News media personnel should not gather, assemble or intrude beyond any police line.

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Aurora University Department of Campus Public Safety

Aurora University employs it’s own officers to patrol the campus 24/7 year round. This service provides building openings and closings on a set schedule. Campus Safety operates under the direction of the Director of Campus Public Safety (ext. 3830). Campus Public Safety is available 24 hours a day by calling x555 for emergencies and X6140 for non-emergencies, from any telephone on campus (or 844-6140 from off campus)

AU places the highest priority on personal safety for students, faculty, and staff. Safety on campus is everyone's business and responsibility. Here are a few tips for keeping yourself safe on campus:

  • Lock your room and your automobile when not occupying either of them.
  • Engrave an identifying number (preferably your driver's license number and state) on your personal property such as TV's, VCR's, stereo's, etc.
  • Do not keep large amounts of cash or jewelry on your person or in your room.
  • Do not prop open Residence Hall entrance doors after lock-up.
  • Know who you are admitting to the Residence Hall, your room or your office.
  • Do not jog or walk alone after dark in areas not patrolled or that are unlit or dimly lighted.
  • Report any suspicious individuals or activities to Campus Public Safety.
  • Keep your University ID with you at all times. The ID will be required for your board plan in the dining hall, admittance to dances and athletic events and use of the library.
  • Use the 24 hour escort service that is provided by the Campus Public Safety Department by calling x555 from any telephone on campus.

Campus Public Safety has the authority and responsibility to report university students who are violating university rules and regulations. As part of their patrol function any Campus Public Safety staff may ask a student to identify themselves. It is important that you carry your ID card with you and present it when asked. You must surrender your ID card to a campus public safety staff member if requested. A student may face judicial consequences for failure to correctly identify themselves.

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