Common Questions about Academic Advising
What is academic advising?
Academic advising is a collaborative process that helps you develop an educational plan to reach your specific academic and career goals. Your advisor will also guide you in understanding the objectives and requirements of your bachelor’s or master’s degree.
What does my academic advisor do?
Your academic advisor is here to support you in achieving your educational and career goals. They’ll help you select classes, explore majors, create a graduation plan, and connect you with campus resources to make the most of your time at AU.
An academic advisor is someone who can:
- Help you plan an educational program based upon your interests, strengths, and goals.
- Review your course selection for alignment with your degree.
- Explain your major and minor requirements.
- Guide you through changing your major or adding a double major.
- Inform you about various college or university policies and procedures.
- Help you decide whether to drop or add a course.
- Explain your General Education requirements.
- Talk about next term’s schedule.
- Refer you to a personal or financial counselor.
How can I reach an advisor?
You can schedule an appointment by requesting an appointment online, calling our office at 630-844-6870, or emailing During certain times of the semester, we also have drop-in hours for quick questions and support.
When should you meet with an advisor?
Meet with your advisor any time you have questions about your academic plan, major requirements, or class schedule. We recommend meeting at least once a semester to stay on track for graduation. New students must meet with an advisor before registering for classes.
How can my advisor help me if I’m struggling with my classes?
Your advisor can connect you with academic support resources like tutoring, academic coaching, campus life, or counseling services. They’re also able to work through the options of how your academic plan is impacted and your graduation date might be extended or adjusted.
What does it mean to be an Exploratory Studies major?
Being “Exploratory Studies” means you’re still deciding on a major. Take this time to explore different subjects, talk to faculty, consult career services, and meet with advisors to learn about various majors. Once you decide, complete a “Declaration of Major” form at the Crouse Center to formalize your choice.
Once you decide upon a major, you will need to file a "Declaration of Major" form with the Crouse Center for Academic Advising to change or declare your new major.
Do I need a minor, and how do I declare one?
You are not required to have a minor, but some students find value in the additional coursework. Schedule time to talk to an advisor and refer to the catalog for specific requirements of the minor you are interested in. You may declare a minor by completing a form available at the Crouse Center for Academic Advising.
How and when can I change my course schedule?
If you have access to online registration via Self-Service, you can add/drop course online via Student Planning. If you do not have online registration access or you need further assistance, you can call (630-844-6870) or stop by the main office of the Crouse Center for Academic Advising (Eckhart Hall 310) to schedule an appointment with your advisor. Or, you can stop in during the center’s drop-in hours (Fridays, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. during fall/spring, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. during summer). It is important to remember that all additions to your schedule must be completed prior to the second week of classes, or the second class meeting (for courses meeting once per week).
How do I know if I’m on track to graduate?
Your advisor will periodically check for anticipated graduation progress, especially as you near graduation. You can also always see your degree audit in Self-Service under “My Progress.” It is very common for students to make adjustments to their plan as they progress, including adding additional semesters or sometimes taking a summer course.
What is the catalog used for?
The catalog is your resource for all academic requirements, including major/minor details and General Education courses. It also outlines university policies that apply throughout your degree program at AU.