Study Tables

Tables and chairs.

We know that good study habits are essential to success in college. Students are required to attend a minimum number of study table or tutoring sessions, or a combination of both, every week. 

During the study table time, students can schedule their weekly check-in meeting with the Pathways support staff and work on executive functioning skills as needed.

Students also have the option of holding one-to-one or small group tutoring sessions in specific content areas. These sessions must be scheduled ahead of time through AU’s Academic Support Center and, when verified by the tutor, count towards the required study table and tutoring hours.

  • Study tables are facilitated by Pathways staff members. Tutoring sessions must be arranged through the Academic Support Center.
  • Multiple time frames are available to accommodate students’ schedules.
  • Check-in and check-out times are required.
  • Students may elect to go beyond the minimum required hours and use these study support services as frequently as needed.