Do It For Uncle Sam
Digital Media, 16"x24"
These images were created during the COVID-19 pandemic of early 2020. The initial goal of the series was to use found and free resources online and reimagine the media into something new – Imminent and Panic Stricken were born from that series. As the pandemic continued on, and the need for more PSA materials regarding social distancing seemed relevant, Do It for Uncle Sam was created in hopes that it would remind people that they still need to do their part in curbing the viral spread.
Estas imágenes fueron creadas, durante la pandemia del COVID-19, de principios del 2020. El objetivo inicial de la serie, era utilizar recursos disponibles y gratuitos en línea y reimaginar los medios en algo nuevo: Imminent y Panic Stricken, nacieron de esa serie. A medida que la pandemia continuaba y la necesidad de más materiales de anuncios de servicio público, sobre el distanciamiento social parecía relevante, se creó Do It for Uncle Sam, con la esperanza de recordarle a las personas, que aún deben hacer su parte, para frenar la propagación viral.
Artist Biography / Biografía del artista:
Devin Trier is a freelance graphic designer, producer and maker of all things based in Aurora, IL. Self-taught and super fun, he is continually looking for something new to create whether it be digital or physical.
Devin Trier, es un diseñador gráfico independiente, productor y creador de todas las cosas, con sede en Aurora, IL. Autodidacta y súper divertido, busca continuamente, algo nuevo para crear, ya sea digital o físico.
Digital Media, 16"x24"
Digital Media, 18"x24"
Digital Media, 18"x24"
Artist Submitted Video - Devin Trier
Keep up with Devin on YouTube and social media: