The Collection's Holdings
"...the best collection of manuscript sources on Millerism, including a group of more than 800 letters to and from William Miller. It contains nearly complete files of the Millerite papers and pamphlets that constitute the Second Advent Library."
Dr. LeRoy Froom,
Seventh-Day Adventist Scholar
- William Miller's sermon notes, account books and printed sermons, which are quite rare.
- Scores of Adventist periodicals: among the notable are "Signs of the Times", "Midnight Cry", "Advent Herald", "Morning Watch", "Bible Examiner", "Advent Harbinger", "World's Crisis (since 1854)", "Herald of Life (1863-1966)", "Advent Christian Times (1870-1878)", "Bible Banner (1871-1882)", "Messiah's Advocate (1894-1952)", and "Present Truth Messenger".
- Old and rare books relating to the Adventist background of the 17th and 18th centuries.
- A few of the significant books in the collection are:
- "The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers", LeRoy Froom, (four vols., 1950-54)
- "Dissertation on Prophecies", Thomas Newton, 1838
- "Treatise on Christian Doctrine", John Milton, 1825
- "Christian Doctrines", James A. Nichols, fr. 1970
- "True Theology", John A. Cargile, 1888
- "Positive Theology", Miles Grant 1895
- "Gospel of the Kingdom", Henry Dana Ward, 1872
- "Redemption", Rebecca J. Smith, 1910
- "The Grand Crisis in Human Affairs", E H. Berrick, 1854
- "Signs of the Times", H. L. Hastings, 1864
- "The World's Great Empires", Mrs. M. McKinstry, 1883
- "Evidences from Scriptures and History of the Coming Christ", William Miller, 1840
- "Views on Prophecy", William Miller, 1841
- "Works", William Miller, Vol. 3, 1842
- "The Great Controversy", D. T. Taylor, 1891
- "Return of the Redeemer", G. L. Young, 1899
- "The Pre-millennial Advent Vindicated", Josiah Litch,
- "Hades", Henry Constable, 1875
- "Debt and Grace", Charles F. Hudson, 1861
- "Human Destiny", Charles F. Hudson, 1860
- "The Unspeakable Gift", John H. Pettingell, 1884
- "The Problems of Immortality", E. Petavel-Olliff, 1892
- "Six Sermons", George Storrs, 1855
- "Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers", LeRoy Froom, TWO VoLUMES, 1965-66)
- "Life and Immortality", Eric Lewis, 1924
- "Life in Christ", Edward White, 1878
- "Advent Christian History", A.C. Johnson, 1918
- "History of the Second Advent Message", I.C. Wellcome, 1874
- More than 5,000 pamphlets and tracts, plus scores of manuscripts, letters, sermons, sermon notes and scrap books
- A large collection of Adventist Hymnals
- 36 Prophet Charts
- Hundreds of pictures of Adventist leaders, churches, camp meetings and institutions
- Many mementos from William Miller, Adventist leaders and missionaries
- Materials relating to foreign mission work of the Advent Christian Church
- The record books of several churches, camp meetings, conferences and Adventist institutions
- A score of theses and dissertations, among them the following:
- Come Of Babylon: The Development of Millerite Separatism and Denominationalism, 1840-1865. David T. Arthur (Dissertation for PhD degree, University of Rochester). 1970
- Thunder and Trumpets: The Millerite Movement and Apocalyptic Thought in UpstateNew York, 1800-1845. David L. Rowe (Dissertation for PhD degree, U. of Virginia) 1974
- The Influence of William Miller in the History of American Christianity. RaymondJoseph Bean (Dissertation for PhD degree, Boston University) 1949
- Created in God's Image: Religious Issues in the Women's Rights Movements of the 19th Century, Donna A. Behnke (Dissertation for PhD degree, Northwestern University) 1971
- Politics and Prayer, a study of the Advent Christian Denomination mission efforts inChina. Donna A. Behnke (Thesis for MA degree, Northwestern University) 1971
- A Study of the Doctrine of Conditional Immortality...with Special Reference to the Contributions of Charles F. Hudson and John H. Pettingell, Moses C. Crouse (Dissertation for PhD degree, Northwestern University) 1953
- Joshua V. Himes and the Cause of Adventism, David T. Arthur (Thesis for MA degree, U. of Chicago) 1961
- Echoes of the Midnight Cry: The Millerite Heritage in the Apologetics of the Advent Christian Denomination, 1860-1960., David A. Dean (Dissertation for Doctor of Theology degree, Westminster Theological Seminary) 1976
- Biblicism Apocalyptik Utopi, Biblicism, Apocolyptic, Utopia; the Historical Development of Adventism in the United States and in Sweden to about 1939, Linden (University of Uppsala, Sweden), 1971
- Reading the Signs of the Times, Stephen D. O'Leary (Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University) 1991