AU celebrates inauguration of President Susana Rivera-Mills
September 29, 2023

Aurora University celebrated the inauguration of Susana Rivera-Mills, PhD, as the institution’s 14th president on Friday, September 29, with a ceremony on the Aurora campus attended by students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and community leaders.
In her inaugural address, Rivera-Mills heralded the university’s 130-year history of embracing new populations into the realm of higher education.
She shared her personal journey as an immigrant fleeing civil war in El Salvador, the hard work and sacrifices her parents made to provide greater opportunities for their children, and the promise of a better future that education holds.
The unifying theme of "Future Promise" carried through the president’s inaugural address.
“We must continue to earn the trust of our students and their families by renewing our promise, one that prepares students for a future that will be different from this moment and hold many unknowns,” Rivera-Mills said.
She described her commitment to embracing collaboration and diversity, meeting students at the point of readiness, and strengthening community partnerships.
To read Dr. Rivera-Mills' full inauguration address and learn more about the historic day, visit the Presidential Inauguration page.